Gout is an acute type of inflammatory arthritis. It occurs most often in people who eat a lot of rich foods (meat, gravies, spices and alcohol). It is caused from a buildup of uric acid in the blood. Whenever uric acid levels rise beyond a certain point, the kidneys cannot excrete it and it forms uric acid crystals in the joints, which cause intense pain. These crystals can form in the body organs, as well, and do great damage there also.
Gout will typically attack the smaller joints of the hands and feet, usually the big toe. Gout usually affects men in about 90% of all cases. Most individuals affected are overweight.
Symptoms usually come on suddenly, sometimes in the middle of the night. You will have extreme pain and swelling of a joint in the fingers or toes. It can also affect the ankles, knees, hands, elbows and wrists. Motion or pressure will increase the pain. After the swelling subsides, the skin may itch and peel. Whenever you are having an attack you may have loss of appetite, stomach and intestinal problems, fever, and decreased urine output.
Some natural remedies that may help include dietetic changes, drinking lots of water, and weight control. If you suffer from this condition you need to reduce your weight to at least 15% below the calculated normal weight. Lose this weight gradually, if you go to fast you will increase the intensity of the attacks. Drink at least 2 quarts of pure water a day. This helps the body to get rid of the uric acid and minimize the damage to the kidneys. Vitamin B12 helps the body to distribute water and dilute the uric acid. B complex helps the body to convert the uric acid into compounds which are harmless to the body. At the onset of an attack, take 1,000 mg of vitamin C per hour and then slowly lower it to 500-8,000 mg daily. Take 100 IU of vitamin E and gradually increase it to 500-800 daily. This helps to reduce uric acid build-up. Try to balance your diet. High-carbohydrate diet tends to increase acid excretion, high fat diet will decrease the acid excretion and may bring on an attack. Particularly eliminate meat and cheese from the diet. Eat high-potassium foods. Make a soup from potato peelings, this is rich in potassium. Eating cherries is helpful, as is celery extracts. Turmeric will stimulate the adrenals to release the body's own cortisone, which will reduce inflammation and the pain associated with this painful condition. Useful herbal teas include yarrow, peppermint, devil's claw, juniper and birch. These will reduce inflammation and pain.
Stop eating all kinds of meat. Eat whole-grains peas, beans, asparagus, mushrooms cauliflower and spinach only in moderate amounts. Your diet should consist of fresh raw vegetables. Stay away from sugary foods such as cakes and pies. Do not drink any alcoholic beverages. All kinds of alcohol will increase uric acid production and can cause attacks. A warm compress with comfrey root or leaves will help with pain. Just apply for two hours or even overnight. Avoid cold baths of any kind and do not immerse the affected part of your body in cold water.
If you have any questions about the treatment of gout, please contact me.
Stay Strong!
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