Okay everyone, the holidays are over and it is now time to start thinking about losing any weight you may have gained and getting your body back to normal. Now is a good time to start thinking about a really good detox. You don't have to stop your life for a week to clean out your system. You can do it in small increments, just as long as you do something. One of the simplest ways you can start is by drinking a detox tea. Although a tea is the weakest form of an herbal formulation, it can still clean you out. The herbs in a detox tea are generally designed to help you have a "moving experience", but they also work to pick up any sludge (toxins) along the way and they should also contain a diuretic to help you lose any water weight gain. If you have an excess toxic build-up, it will be difficult for you to lose weight, so you want a tea that will remove these toxins. Of course, taste is a consideration as well. If it doesn't taste good you are not as likely to drink it.
You could also choose to do a major detox. These usually consist of a weekend and doses of epsom salt and olive oil. You may need this one if you are having trouble with your liver or gallbladder.
There are others where you take large amounts of fiber and as it moves through you, it picks up the toxins with it and moves them on out. Some people have trouble with fiber digestion, so this is not typically the detox that I would recommend.
Certain foods help you to detox. These are great if you want to detox slowly. I know after I got home from vacation, my stomach felt like there was a brick in it and I wanted something to work-- like yesterday! I didn't want to wait!
So, start thinking about cleaning out your system and let me know if you would like any help with a detox or need any products, such as a detox tea, and we can get you started on the path for a healthier you.
Stay Strong!
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