Monday, June 24, 2013

How a Hair Analysis Changed my Life

            My journey began many years ago. I had always been "nervous".  I was diagnosed with a nervous stomach as a teenager.  I also started having migraines in my teenage years. My parents took me to several different doctors who could not find a cause for the migraines and just decided I had inherited them from my family, since both of my parents had them also. 
            I married and became pregnant with Brian who is now 32 years old. Toward the end of that pregnancy I developed toxemia, now called pre-eclampsia.  I managed to carry him full-term, but had to have bed rest for the last few weeks.
            Time went on and the migraines got worse, I also ached all over, kind of like you have the flu.  At one point in time, the migraines were so bad that I couldn't get over one until another one would hit.  I couldn't have held a job and did well to take care of my home and my son.  My marriage fell apart and with that combined stress, things just got worse.  The doctor prescribed nerve medicine and every migraine medication that they knew of and nothing helped. 
            Anyway, I remarried and became pregnant with Keith, who is now 18 (and healthy by the way).  I developed pre-eclampsia again, only this time much worse.  Keith had to be taken at 30 weeks.  He weighed only 3 pounds and lost down to 2 ½ pounds.  I had to be on blood pressure medication for several months after he was born to bring everything back into balance.  Both of us almost died. 
            I asked the doctor what had caused all of this and his answer was that some women just have pre-eclampsia and they didn't really know why.  This answer was not good enough for me.  I knew there had to be a reason and I wanted to know what it was. 
            One day I picked up a magazine and saw an article written by Linda Rector-Page. She was a naturopath.  At that time, I had never heard of a naturopath, but reading that article, something clicked and I knew that was what I wanted to be. 
            Once I began my studies, I was very interested in finding the cause of my migraines and the pre-eclampsia.  About the time that I was finishing my degree I got started with a lab that did hair analysis.  I sent off a sample of my hair and I was shocked when I got the results back.  My copper was off the chart.  Copper mimics estrogen in the body, so this meant that I was saturated in estrogen.  Too much copper also causes pre-eclampsia, achy feelings, migraine headaches, and all the strange symptoms I had had since my teenage years.  Now, I had to find where I got that copper.  We had gotten our water from a well since I was a teenager so I decided to start there.  There were no copper lines but one small copper fitting.  The well water was soft and soft water will leach copper.  Here was my answer, after all those years.  We removed the copper fitting and I took the steps to detox my body and get my life back.
            The migraines slowly let up in intensity, all the achy feelings and all the strange symptoms went away and I got my life back.
            Now, I only have a migraine maybe once or twice a year, if that often and they are nowhere as intense as they used to be.  I don't know what might have happened to me had I not found Trace Elements and had the hair analysis.
            Over the course of the past 13 years, I have seen and heard stories very similar to mine about the results of a hair analysis.  Your body has a protective device where if you are exposed to something it considers toxic it will pull it out of the bloodstream and deposit it in the tissues.  This is why it can't be found in a blood test.  If you are having symptoms that can't be explained or maybe you are concerned about heavy metal exposure a hair analysis is the place to start.  I know it really changed my life!

Stay Strong!

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